Now, A flight from Chandigarh to Mystical Leh

Can there be any better way Chandigarh Airport wishing us season’s greetings?

This New Year’s Eve will see the first flight from Chandigarh Airport to the surreal land of Leh. The direct flight is going to be AirIndia’s (AI) A-319 Airbus. The flight will operate on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday every week.

The flight AI-457 would depart from Leh at 0805 hrs and arrive in Chandigarh at 0900 hrs. In the return journey the flight, AI-458, would take off from Chandigarh at 0940 hrs and arrive in Leh at 1020 hrs.

Another holiday destination added to our list or a weekend getaway I should say!!


Image Credits: Google Images

Coverage: Business Standard

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A woman with varied interests, from geeky technology to serene poetry, but with a solitary passion to play with words. Ratisha is educated in sociology, psychology and human rights, that has sensitized her well to talk about all topics of human concern. She has been writing for many nationally and internationally acclaimed e-magazines and news portals including The Huffington Post, (United States) among others. When not writing, she is either found brushing strokes on a canvas or peering through her glasses into a novel.